- ______are small enough to show a wave behavior.
- The electron's antiparticle is called a______.
- When going up an energy level, energy is___.
- The energy needed to remove an electron from an atom is called the____ energy.
- Inside orbits have____energies than the outside ones.
- Rutherford used___particles in his Gold Foil experiment.
- The atom is mostly______space.
- A photon's energy varies directly with its___.
- The "lost mass" of an atom that is converted to binding energy is _____ _____. (2words)
- The protons are found in the____.
- 6.63*10^-34 Js is_____constant. (see p.1 reference)
- The current atom model is the______model.
- The nuclear force is short-range and very _____.
- E=mc^2 was discovered by_____.
- An antiparticle has the same____ but different charge of a particle.
- Light energy is carried in discrete units called_____.
- The color_____ has the highest frequency.
- One____ converts to 931 MeV of energy.
- If the atom were a football stadium, the nucleus would be a____.
- Up, Down, and Charm, are all different types of_____.
- The particles smaller than an atom are called_____particles.
- When going down an energy level, energy is____.
- Light is both a wave and a_____.