Name _______________________ # _____ 

Drawing Displacement Vectors HW

Directions: Draw the displacement vector arrows for each drawing

a) b) c)
d) e) f)
g) h) i)

Directions: a) Sketch the motion described with vector arrows b) Draw the displacement vector arrow for each. c) Find the magnitude of the displacement 

1. An ant moves 5 cm N then 2 cm east.  (find magnitude of displacement only for this one; no direction)  

2. An ant moves 2 cm N then 4 cm S. displacement = _______ ______


3. An ant moves 2 cm N then 3 cm S. displacement = _______ ______

4. An ant moves 3 cm S then 5 cm S. displacement = _______ ______

5. An ant moves 3 cm up then 5 cm right then 3 cm down.

displacement = _______ ________