I.)    Electric Potential - ________ needed or _____________ acquired when a


positive charge is ___________________________________________.







II)    Potential Difference - ( A.K.A. - ____________________ ) potential energy


difference between ___________________________________


A)  Potential Difference, energy and work

As a charge moves through an electric field it gains potential or kinetic energy






1)    *** ________________________


W = ___________done against field or energy acquired working with field (Joules)


q : amount of _______________moving through field (_____________)



Ex) It takes 6 Joules of work to move 2 Coulombs of charge between 2 points in an electric field. What is the potential energy difference (voltage) between these 2 points?




2)    Second form of potential difference equation

V = ____________________________ (not on reference)

W = ________ done against field or _________________working with field


(Electronvolts Ev) Electronvolt – small energy unit = _______


q : amount of __________ moving through field (#elementary charges)


V: ____________________ (volts)


ex.  It takes 10 eV to move 2 elementary charges from one point to another in an electric field. Find the potential difference between these points.






Ex) +2 elementary charges acquire 16 joules of energy when they move between 2 points in an electric field. What is the potential difference (voltage) between these two points in the field?





B)    Potential Difference and Electric field




Millikan Experiment 1911

Millikan studied ____________ on ______________ in a uniform electric field.


He suspended the _____________ in the electric fields and was able to discover:


1)    ____________ charge = _____________________