Energy Handout

II.        Energy (Joules) - 2 kinds


A)                 Potential Energy - ____________ energy of that an object has due to its              


____________ or _____________________.


1.                 Gravitational P.E. g (PE is an abbreviation for Potential



P.E. g  = _______________________________ g - on earth = ____________



                                                           DP.E. = ____________

Ex 1 ) What P.E. is gained when a 100kg object when it is raised 4m straight up?


DPE = mgDh



 Ex 1a ) What PE would be gain if the object were moved 4m to the right?  _______________


2.                 Elastic P.E. - work stored in a deformed spring


                   a)       General Equation                PE s = F × x




             F = Average F needed to deform spring               x = distance deformed


                   b)       Hookes law  - _____________needed to deform an ideal spring, a


                             given amount is directly proportional to its __________________


                   Example) Ideal Spring X


                             F (force to deform)             X (distance deformed)

                             2N                                   .3m

                             4N                                   ____

                             6N                                   ____

                             8N                                   ____

                             Force (N)                              



   Stretch (m)                       slope = F/X


          c)       Spring constant for ideal Spring X


                             K = F/X =



                   d)       Elastic P.E. = area of triangle under F vs x graph


                             PE s = 


                   e)       PEs in terms of k


                             1.       P.E.s = __________   Average Force:  ________


                             2.       PE = ____________   F = Kx   (On reference)




                             3.       P.E.s =    _______________           (On reference)



          Ex1)    A force of 12 N stretches a spring and makes it .15m longer.


a)                 What the spring constant (k) of this spring?




                   b)       What's the potential energy of this spring?




B)       Kinetic Energy - the energy an object possesses due to its _______________


Work/Energy Relationship: The kinetic energy an object possesses is equal to the


____________________  done to get an object moving a certain speed or to stop it.


Equation…..          K E = ______________________                


Relationships:       K E / m  _______________          KE/ v       ________________