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D) Friction - force between 2 surfaces that opposes motion Depends only on:
1) texture of each surface
2) force holding objects together
Spoilers increase the force between tire and road
Two Kinds of Friction
(fs) 1) Static Friction - force of friction that must be overcome to move an object at rest.
(fk) 2) Kinetic Friction - force of friction that opposes a moving object.
Kinetic friction is weaker than static friction
fk < fs
Friction Equations
Static friction: fs = usFn
Kinetic friction: fk = ukFn Friction on Ramp in terms of m, theta f = U[mgcosq]
Friction on horizontal surface Level Force fs = uFn = umg Friction on horizontal surface Tilted Push, F, q, m fs = uFn = ?
Fn = Net downward force on lawn mower
Fn = [mg + Fsinq] fs = u[mg + Fsinq] What if mower was pulled?
fs = u[mg - Fsinq]
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