

Compare the force the big box exerts on the little box with
the force the little box exerts on the big box.



Fill in the Blank Notes


I. Momentum - the property of a moving object that makes it difficult to stop.






"Which is tougher to

stop, a bowling ball

or  a baseball?"



It Depends ....




If the baseball had a
much larger velocity, it  would be harder to stop.







(technically, product of mass and velocity)




Momentum = Mass x Velocity

p = mv

(kgm/s)  (kg)(m/s)



a) vector quantity


b) p has same direction as velocity


c) units - kgm/s





Momentum helps us
understand collisions



Kinetic Energy is conserved in perfectly elastic collisions

Elastic Collision?





The ball's energy is lost in the collision with the floor. It does not return its original position.




"Could a moving

baseball have the same

momentum as moving

bowling ball?"








"Yes. p = mv. The

baseball's velocity

would have to be many

 times faster."



1) Relationship between force and momentum


When a force acts on a body it
 changes its' momentum.


Mathematical Relationship, F, p


p = mv


so ...

Δp = mΔv







Fnet = ma


so ...


Fnet = m Δv



(Cross Multiply)


Fnett = mΔv


Since ...

Δp = mΔv


Then ...

Fnett = Δp



Force is the time rate
of change in momentum


Fnet = Δp

Δp = Ft

Force F, 'Follow through', t





Soccer ball kick.wmv

Dr. Dave's Hall of Fame



The change in momentum that an unbalanced force produces on an object depends on ....


Noble and Greenough School H.S.


... how long the force acts on a body.






"Could a female golfer EVER change the momentum of a
golf ball more than a male golfer?"








Yes. She can compensate for a smaller force
by employing a good 'follow through'



2)  Impulse 


J = Fnett
(Ns) or (kg•m/s)



Combining all the equations


* J = Fnett = mΔv =Δp *


Write on your test immediately
before answering questions

Given this equation, what is another unit for momentum besides kgm/s?

* J = Fnett = mΔv =Δp *





 Word Problems


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