Weight - net gravitational force on an object
g = acceleration due to gravity
Earth: g = 9.8 m/s2
Moon: g = 1.6 m/s2
Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin Aldrin
stands near the leg of the lunar module on the Moon. Despite the fact
that the backpacks and astronauts only weighed 1/6 on their 350 pound
Earth weight, their center of gravity was shifted so they had to lean
slightly forward to balance. Footprints are clearly visible in the
slope = g
Mass - amount of matter an object possesses
Choice 1
1 kg ≈ 2.2 lbs
1 lbs ≈ 5 N
Average Senior Weighs
120 lbs ≈ 600 N
Finding acceleration
Ex) A satellite having a mass of 25. kg experiences a gravitational force of 200 N. Find the acceleration due to gravity at this location.
g = 200 N/25 kg
a = 8 m/s2
or 8 N/kg
Ex) A rocket weighs 18,000 N at the earth's surface. If the rocket rises to a height where its distance from the earth is 3 earth radii, its weight will be ...
Distance from earth to rocket triples so, ....
....weight is 1/9 as great
w = 2000 N
Wringing out Water on the ISS - for Science!
Bad Science Humor
Ranking Task
Einstein's Conception of Gravity The Elegant Universe - PBS
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