

Ranking Task

Two forces act on a body. Rank the angles between the forces below, from largest resultants to smallest.

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D. Finding resultants when angle between forces = 90°

Ex 1 ) A 5.0 N force pulls an object north while a 12 N force is pulling the object west.


Find the resultant


Scale 1 cm = 1 N???





Two Methods


Method One
Graphical Method

(Draw It!!)

1. Draw vectors to scale (1 N = 1 cm)




2. Make a parallelogram



Protractor 101

1. Use the Acute Angles Only 2. Use a ruler to get accurate measurements


3. Draw diagonal (resultant)



4. Find magnitude & direction of vector


Parallelogram Method 



Method Two

 - Trig. and Pythagorean
(More accurate)


1. Use a2 + b2 = c2 (To find magnitude)



5.0 N2  + 12 N2  = R2

2.  Tanq =  Opp./Adj.


TanӨ = 5.0/12


Ө = ? 


Tan (5/12)


Inverse Tangent (5 /12)



13 N  22.6 ° N of W 







Name that Direction




50 degrees N of E, 35 degrees N of W

65 degrees S of W, 80 degrees S of E



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E. Equilibrant - Balancing Force






Resultants & Equilibrants


Show Me The Physics



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The Equilibrant is always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the resultant

[ Flash ]






Resultant  = 5 N 53° N of W




Equilibrant  =



5 N 53° S of E



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Ex 2) Concurrent forces (acting together) of 10. nt east and 10. nt south act on an object.


Resultant & Equilibrant using
Trig. & Pythagorean Theorem







1.  10 N2 + 10 N2 = c2



c = 14 nt



2.  R = 14 nt 45° S of E




Equilibrant  = 14 nt  45° N of W




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Angle ≠ 90°


Intermolecular bonds between
water molecules are very strong

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