

Standing Waves Handout


Standing Waves Open Tubes


AP Physics



Standing Waves

 – waves produced when two waves with the same frequency and wavelength travel in opposite directions in the same medium (Musical instruments)


I. Standing Waves - Both Ends Closed


A. Nodes and Antinodes, etc


a) Mark the nodes with a dot.

How many are there?



b) Mark the ANTInodes with a large X


How many are there?


c) How many wavelengths do you see above?





d) Maximum CONstructive interference occurs at the







e) Maximum CONstructive interference occurs at the





B. 1st , 2nd , 3rd ….. Harmonic

Closed End Standing waves always have a node at each end****

1. Fundamental or First Harmonic (N.A.N.)

Draw the first harmonic.


How many wavelengths?

Juan Aguirregabiria and lookang


(Standing Wave length) L = 1/2 wavelength


So l = 2L (Twice the length of the whole standing wave)


2. Second Harmonic (N. A. N. A. N.)

Draw the second harmonic.


How many wavelengths?


L = 4/4 or 1 wavelength


3. Third Harmonic (N. A. N. A. N. A. N.)

Draw the third harmonic.


How many wavelengths?


L = 6/4 or 3/2 wavelengths


So l = 2/3L (or 2/3 the length of the standing wave)


4. 4th Harmonic (N. A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N.)

Draw the fourth harmonic.


How many wavelengths?


L = 8/4 or 2l  


so l = L/2 (or 1/2 the length of the standing wave)


5. 5th Harmonic (N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.A.N.)

Draw the fifth harmonic.

How many wavelengths?


L = 10/4 or 5/2 wavelengths


so l = (2/5)L (or 2/5 the length of the standing wave)



Review - Standing Wave - Both Ends

L = 1/2 l

Fundamental f

L = 1 l

2x Fundamental

L = 3/2 l

3x Fundamental

L = 2 l

4x Fundamental

L = 5/2 l

5x Fundamental

L = 3 l

6x Fundamental

L =7/2 l

7x Fundamental


3 antinodes

4 nodes

a) Nodes: Max Destructive Interference

b) Antinodes: Max. Constructive Interference


L = distance between walls

String closed at both ends
 or Open Pipe Both ends

L = (nl/2)

n = 1,2,3 ....

since v = fl


fn = n[v/2L]


n = 1,2,3 ....

Each frequency is a multiple of the fundamental frequency

D. Open at Both Ends

1/2, 2/2, 3/2, 4/2


L = n(1/2)λ






Giancoli p. 348) 34, 36


34) Closed

88 Hz is fundamental

36) Open Pipe Fundamental 40 Hz, both are even number multiples of 40 not odd multiple of 20


f = v/2L = 40 Hz = (340 m/s)/2L   L = 4.3 m



Review Book p. 302) 10.


Open at one end

n = 1 fundamental

f = v/4L

= 340 m/s/(4 x .17)

= 500 Hz


p. 303) 10




Beats - Rhythmic interference between two semi identical frequency sources


Beat Frequency = |f1 - f2|



Standing Wave II







Standing Waves/Sound/Chladni
Berkeley Univ.

Standing Waves - Wake Forest .U.

(Chladni Disk)




Water Drop in Zero g

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Download the file below.





Standing Waves
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