Video Instruction showmethephysics.com
III. Definition - study of relationship between force & motion
A) 3 Laws of Motion
1st Law - Law of Inertia
When Fnet = 0 ...
An object at rest...
...tends to stay at rest.
An object in motion
..... unless
acted on by
Identify all the
Unbalanced Forces
Explain this using Newton's 1st Law
Why doesn't the ball roll backward
An object in motion
unless acted on
John Paul Stapp
Sonic Wind I - 1954 Stapp decelerating in the G-Whiz sled. This five frame 'movie' shows pretty well the stress he experienced. Courtesy EAFB History Office John Stapp stops short after travelling 421 mph Stapp suffered repeated and various injuries including broken limbs, ribs, detached retina, and miscellaneous traumas which eventually resulted in lifelong lingering vision problems caused by permanently burst blood vessels in his eyes. In one of his final rocket-propelled rides, Stapp was subjected to 46.2 times the force of gravity.[5]
If an object changes direction,
The Moon must have a force on it
Moon has Unbalanced Force On It! Show Me The Physics
Show Me The Physics
Mass and the Inertia
What Makes The
An Object in Motion,
ŠTony Mangiacapre., - All Rights
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